a little bit of this, a little bit of thatch
1. This evening, I signed up for Xanga, just so I could post a comment on my classmate's entry about his GD III book project from last week. Had no idea what Xanga is, I thought it's just another MySpace or Friendster type of site, but it's actually specifically for blogging. I just heard about Xanga two months ago, but apparently, it's already existed for a few years now. I don't think I'll use it though.

3. Last week, when I stayed home sick, I saw the little kid next door with his mom downstairs at the washer and dryer. This kid annoys the hell out of me. When I'm home during the day and weekends, I could hear him scream all the time. He also makes some weird noise on the adjoining wall sometimes, and just about every morning, before my alarm goes off, he wakes me up by running up and down the freakin hallway, and screaming. Everything he does is very annoying. But when I saw his cute little smile (aimed at me) and whatever other cuteness qualities lovely little boys and girls possess kinda levelled me out a bit at that point.
Kids (and dogs) will do that to you!
carbon dioxide.
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