my weekend
After getting home from school on Friday, I took a nap, and didn't wake up until 7am the next morning (seems like a total replay of Fridays past). I knew there was much to do, so I jumped on cooking my breakfasts for the week: omelettes with spinach, mushrooms, onions, garlic and Mrs. Dash. The cooking of five omelettes took about an hour.
After that, I got my haircut, finally. I'm allergic to my own hair, so when it grows long and touches my ears or forehead, I get itchy. The main reason why I wait to get it cut is because I can only budget $20 a month for it. Oh well.
Got home and showered off the hair, then ate lunch. Roomie called to tell me of the game plan for tonight, so I knew how much time I could work with to get the rest of my errands completed.
I visit the SFMOMA to fulfill both an extra credit assignment for the history class and a required visit for the other class. The assignment's the same thing for both classes: write about a piece of work or an exhibit, why you like it, blase blase.
I pick up some special paper for my book project at Flax. Roomie calls me again while I'm at Flax, making sure I'm on target with time. Unfortunately, I didn't have enough time to pick up #16 at Tu Lan so I could debut my new bowl, so I'm bummed.
Get home, get ready for the Horizons Foundation 25th Anniversay Gala held at the Regency Center, and off we go. I usually dread going to such functions because that means I need to schmooze and talk bs and I really would rather do other things with my time. Good thing Roomie mentioned that AG and EG drove down from Sacramento to attend the function and expected to seeme, so I felt relaxed knowing I'd have some people I could talk to.

After the gala, Roomie suggested Martuni's for more drinks with AG and EG, and I got to taste their appletini and chocolate martini. Both good, but totally scruffed up my throat because of their sweetness, agh! By the time I finished the appletini, yeah, I was flat out drunk, but I could still carry on a convo and stay upright. I shared a tender moment with this girl when we went in the bathroom together since it had both a toilet and a urinal. A no-nonsense gal, she confessed that she and a guy friend, were going to PowerExchange and that she swung both ways. You go with yo bad self, I thought. I hope she had a fun, sex-filled evening.
After dropping off AG and EG at the Miyako Hotel, I immediately closed my eyes and rested them. The drive home seemed like The Flash drove the car, because we got home so freakin fast...maybe I fell asleep, but it didn't feel like it. I was drunk for sure and plopped into bed the moment we stepped inside the studio.
Sunday for lunch, we celebrated Roomie's birthday at Yank Sing in the Rincon Center. His Mom, siblings and their families gathered for some delicious dim sum. Oh yeah, all morning and lunchtime I suffered from a hangover.
The best part of it all and perhaps the worst part of it all: getting drunk made me forget all about my worries and let go of my anger at people and things during that whole evening. Spending time and surrounded by my close peepz also mellowed me out. Too bad I can't control my emotions the way alkie does. Oh well, back to the grind.
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