Wednesday, November 02, 2005

what's my age again?

Last night, KuyaJC invited me to a presentation for DuraFresh, a product he promotes and distributes.

Anyway, the presentation included buffet dinner at Jade Lounge in Daly City, right around the corner from the place where I stay at the moment. I got there late because of work, then meeting my instructor afterwards. The food was gone, only some fried rice and other scraps remained. I heard that the food went quickly anyway, that even KuyaJC almost didn't get any.

So one of his other guests, a friend asked me my age; I forget how the subject came up. I said, why, how old do I look? His answer: 22!!!! I was shocked. To play along, I said, "nah, I'm 26." I can't really say if I was flattered; I think the shock of someone thinking I'm that young caught me way off guard. Sigh.

It's just weird, I'm always surrounded by folks much younger than me because of my classes. Sometimes I don't feel age at all; sometimes I freak out that 40 is just around the corner and I haven't won that Olympic gold, or owned my own company, or earned my first million in one year yet; or sometimes I berate myself for missing one night of the Clinique regimen, yet sometimes I still feel invincible and well, young. Sigh, again.


At 11/02/2005 8:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

stop stealing my post titles

At 11/03/2005 12:11 AM, Blogger It's just me said...

oh, and you came up with that title all by yourself when you wrote a song with the same name, anon?

At 11/03/2005 1:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh, how i wish i was as lucky as you. it's the opposite with me--i look older than i am [i always have] and therefore feel like i NEVER fit in. i guess it could be worse--i could be like my friend who's balding, 3 years younger than me, and looks at least five years older than me!

At 11/07/2005 7:55 PM, Blogger Mur said...

I got carded at Vegas a couple of weeks ago. I was quite flattered! Especially when she had a look of shock on her face.

At 11/07/2005 10:00 PM, Blogger It's just me said...

hey mur, that's pretty good! well i'm not surprised, since you could pass as a 12 year-old boy! lol


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