celebrity whore
On Wednesday, I, along with a few co-workers got recruited as ushers for the mayor's State of the City speech, held at SFSU. We stressed out about all the things that could go wrong: a crazy gun-toting assassin in the audience; disgruntled non-ticket holders not getting in to watch the speech, ek-ek like that. The good thing though, we wore "All Access" badges, so we felt like important bad-asses.
Fortunately for us, our assignment was simply to stand by the doors and greet people. My feet totally hurt like a mo-fo, even though I wore black walking sneakers to go along with my tie-less shirt and dress pants.
Once the speech finally started after a long delay, I got a chance to sit down after some people in the back of McKenna Theatre vacated their seats. Then today, another co-worker said that we made it in the news, when the camera panned in our direction, and that I got caught nodding off, so that's totally embarrassing.
After his speech, the media frenzy surrounding him swept me away, so I snuck in a couple of shots with my cell phone camera.
And then, right before we headed back to our regular office work when the mayor left, we decided to have some fun in one of the dressing rooms where we left our belongings while we worked the beat. And by fun I mean just taking a picture with all those lights like a movie star...oooh
hey paul. update your links...i'm http://www.joancuenco.com
Me Talk Pretty...is fantastic. I actually got the audiobook for $0.25 read by Sedaris himself. What a find.
Joanie!! so good to hear from you! you look great in the self-portrait!
SG, everytime i see the mayor, i can't stop staring at his awesome hair! You know, he looks like Christian Bale in "American Psycho."
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