I looked forward to my date with Sakomi at my induction ceremony for the Golden Key International Honour Society (who'da thunk, right?). Sakomi enthusiastically set aside some time out of her socially and academically busy Saturday schedule to come as my date. I thought of bringing along a huge cheering section, but none of my family, or Roomie, or even Pastris could come to share the moment. I debated whether to attend the ceremony, luckily Sakomi helped me make up my mind to attend. I mean the organization only sent the Evite last Monday!

The attendance was a lot lower than I thought; out of 200+ inductees, only about 20 showed up. It actually made for a quiet, nice, intimate, and SHORT gathering. The time was probably cut in half or more because they called up every person in attendance to go up and receive the certificates. The only drawback was that we had to wait for the food to arrive because we ended so early, and the caterers weren't ready yet. Whilst waiting, Sakomi and I browsed through their paraphernalia, and the organization publishes a magazine. So then I find out that Australian Olympic Gold medal swimmer Ian Thorpe (he was on the cover of one edition) and sprinter Andrew Rock are both members! So then I got really stoked. The wait was somewhat worth it though, as we got to eat some real tasty fruits and brownies!

Shortly after the light snacks, we jetted downtown because Sakomi craved TuLan food. I was of course more than happy to honor her request to eat there. We both got the #16; we started with spring rolls for appetizer. Since she ordered my regular, I contemplated ordering another old favorite that I haven't eaten in years, but she made a good point that I'd probably crave the #16 if I saw her eat it...she was right. I guess I really am predictable. The lovely, hole-in-the-wall/dive fluorescent lighting kinda makes it look a little less appetizing, but it's really good, I swear.
For dessert at Sweet Inspirations, she ordered tiramisu, and i ordered a mango/papaya/passion mousse cake. We made sure to pace ourselves by making lots of conversation in between sweet bites, as the #16 weighed down our stomachs a bit.
thanks SG, u'r so sweet!
hey, i would have gone if i was in town and if you would have asked me!
That's awesome! Congrats
who is this wonderful sakomi person? and by the looks of her in front of the food she must be hot...
hey anon,
just updated the post with a pic that includes more of the sakomi.
congrats paul.. i was craving that #16 so bad nothing could stop me.. even if you ordered it too... find this anon person. asap.
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