insider trading
Bancy took me to Target during lunch break. I really didn't need anything from there, but I figured that since I didn't bring lunch today, I may find something from their little snack bar.
Once we step in, I remembered that I do need floss. The ironic thing was that after I drop the floss into the basket, we somehow head straight into the candy section, but I think Bancy said she needed candy for some reason.
In the candy section, there was definitely some action going on; the sounds of bite-size Halloween candy in their plastic bags getting moved here and there with excitement filled that section of the store. The Target staff seemed to clear what was left of the candy to a more prominent display to get rid of them. Then I hear a woman saying something to the effect that the candy won't go on sale yet. Well duh, only after Halloween, right?
I immediately thought of one of Wanda Syke's bits about insider trading. She said that not only white collar workers like Martha Stewart, et. al, do insider trading, but also blue collar ones, like those who work at the Wal-Mart. A friend who works at the Wal-Mart may say to a friend: "Girl, don't get that candy today, it's gonna go on sale tomorrow."
Nonetheless, I bought several bags of Nutrageous, Mega M&M's, and Twix, all at regular price, to hand out to trick-or-treaters. The only thing is that I live in an apartment building and ain't noboby's gonna knock on my door. The whole trick-or-treaters was just a front; I'm gonna eat all that candy by myself, and break out like crazy in the next few days.
I can't wait for the sale candy so I can get a bag of Twix AKA "dinner" at my house.
oh kurt, i'm in the same boat as you, although the twix, nutrageous, m&m's will also serve as breakfast and lunch for the next week or so cos i'm broke as a joke.
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