Wednesday, November 02, 2005

honesty is overrated and expensive!

During lunch break, I went all the way to the Castro, yeah I know Halloween's over, but the reason I went is because my teacher told me to. She told me I could get some props for our latest project at Cliff's Variety Store. So my mission: to find objects that could serve as game pieces for a board game, think Monopoly.

At first it's overwhelming to find all the little crap that they have over there, and while I couldn't find anything somewhat related to my topic of academia, I settled on "Homies" and "Executives/Wedding People," go figure. They represented the closest in what kind of shape I needed.

Oh, a bonus while I went to Cliff's: I ran into an old dance colleague, Jordan Varay, who was one of my heroes while I danced with Likha Pilipino Folk Dance Company.

So at the cash register, the lady ringing me up asked me how much each of the "Homies" and "ExecuWeds" cost, and I debated whether to lower the price, or flat-out lie. Well unfortunately for my bank account, the truth came out of my mouth: $.50 each for the ExecuWeds, $1.50 each for the Homies. An additional $.25 each for dice. I took 8 Execs, 8 Homies, and 10 dice, for a total of $20.07 after tax. Ouch, I said. I shoulda, shoulda.

Yeah, they're cute and all, but perhaps Cliff's was the wrong place to get them, unfortunately, i didn't know where else to go on such short notice. I'll just work with them anyway. And one of them is supposed to represent me, the other Roomie, and another for Pastris, and one for Ana Gabriela. My favorite's the girl in the middle; she even has freckles! We'll see what comes out of all this.


At 11/03/2005 12:10 AM, Blogger It's just me said...

i've not heard of Homies until today. in fact, i didn't know they were called as such until i showed bancy and she has a friend that collects them.

*Chihuahua* dog


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