i eat, therefore i'm fat
Part of my demise lately is due to the fact that I've totally fallen off my somewhat strict dietary rules/plan/guidelines that I started in the spring of 2004. The change last year coincided with me wanting to live a much healthier lifestyle and me discovering holistic approaches to health when I took a Holistic Health class as part of my "Segment III."
But this year, I re-introduced bad carbs, really bad carbs into my diet. I'd break down whilst shopping at Costco and buy oh, a whole cake, or a box of apple and cherry turnovers, or a box of danish, and scraf them down in a matter of days, all by myself. Sakomi said "I get like that," I suffer from these binges.

Oh, and let's not forget all those Halloween chocolates that still linger: bite-size Twix, Nutrageous, Almond Joy...damn you all! WTF!
What's it gonna take for me to get back to protein breakfasts, protein lunches that comprise of breast of chicken with vegetables every frikkin day. I mean it gets boring and I spend such little time in the kitchen cooking that stuff. But hey, the good news in all of this is so far, I'm still eating my salads for dinner. Whew.
Certain things I just don't keep in the house because I can't not eat them.
so that's how you stay so fit and trim!
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