Friday, November 11, 2005

hmmm kind of day

So last night, I was so gung-ho about finishing my graphic design project for critique today. We don't have to show the final product, that's for next week, but we did have to show a full-size black and white version for the last crit for final revisions.

I got a lot of work done, but perhaps I started too late and didn't realize the amount of work the muthaf#@ker needed. Anyhow, I did the usual, staying up as long as possible, but last night, I could only manage until 2:30am. Fine, I calmly thought, I'd finish the rest in the early morning before work.

Well nothing I planned came to fruition: finishing the poster before work, getting a cheap b/w printout at kinko's, going to class. For class today, we have a short session, 1-4pm instead of 11-6pm. The time now is about 2:30pm and I'm in an undisclosed location, an "empty" office here at work, so no one can see that I didn't go to class. Only two people know that I'm here working on finishing my project. But I figured that by the time I finish, class would be over. On top of everything, I'm falling asleep and hungry and my carpal tunnel is acting up, and on top of that, I stopped working on the project, and on top of that, I read other people's blogs, and then now of course, on top of totally all everything else, I'm wrting this entry. WTF!?

What can I say, at least I'm inspired by something to do something. I guess.

Although my biggest fear is that because I'm missing class right now, my grade for the class will for sure get lower. See this is what happens when you're "forced" to make decisions when you're sooo tired. And the irony is, my project is about the positive effect that going back to school had on me and how a "model" student I grew into, as a "Late Bloomer." HA!

Maybe I'll call it a day and go home and get some beautiful sleep! yay!


At 11/11/2005 2:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps you should work the irony into your project--putting dark circles under the eyes of any people pictures or pieces of your project, lots of places to rest, or caffeine, etc. Oh, and no one is two separate words. ;)

At 11/11/2005 3:10 PM, Blogger It's just me said...

thanks for the good suggestions! and thanks for catching my typo. i blame the fatigue, haha.

At 11/11/2005 3:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ooh! what about distractions? like : read blogs. move back 2 spaces."


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