really, something sweet after all

Last Saturday, I did a mini Costco run, since my funds are pretty low, and I didn't want to indulge in any more "junk." So I just got some spinach, edamame, bacon, and watermelon. I didn't put watermelon on my list, but I gathered I always need dessert after every meal besides breakfast. I debated about getting the watermelon because I thought they're already out of season by now, but once I heard the super-hollow sound from my knocks on the first one I came across, I was like, damn, now that's a hollow sound! Oh well, at least this one won't turn all cottony, I thought.
Much, much later that Saturday night, I craved the melon, but I felt it was too late already, so I hesitated on cutting it up. Fortunately my craving got the better of me, and got the best surprise once I sliced the thing in half. I'd say its size was medium-medium, because all of it eventually fit in the one serving bowl/container after carving the melon into balls.
So I usually take my first taste with the ball carving, and OMG, this watermelon probably was the sweetest, firmest, most awesome tasting watermelon I ever tasted. I felt truly blessed this time, especially since my last melon experience a few weeks ago wasn't as pleasant. That last one tasted bland. Hopefully I can luck out again next time, because I can eat a whole melon in a day! (There was this one time at Brophy when Drug, Uncle Rudi and I "competed" about how long it can take us to eat a whole melon. First Drug said she can eat it in two days, then I said 24 hours, then Uncle Rudi said 18 hours, and Djym kept saying after each of us made our declarations, "So-and-so, eat that melon in 24 hours," or "so-and-so, eat that melon in 18 hours." He styled it after "Name That Tune.")
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