Well the lottery for a pair of $25 rush tickets for front row seats (yeah your neck strains, but who cares) to the hit musical "Wicked," that is. Watching broadway shows slowed down quite a lot for me the last couple of years. Maybe I lost a little interest in the genre, or perhaps the maddening price for a single ticket put me in my place, or perhaps my mind's just focused on school that I didn't allow myself to enjoy theatre as much. I do know that when I saw "The Producers" I felt that I didn't get all the hype and hoopla; I didn't like that show at all. The last time I saw a Tony Awards show? I can't remember, either 2002 or 2003, when "Hairspray" took home a bunch of the accolades. Drama Queen knows the story of my "boycotting" of that show.

The last show I saw before tonight was "Take Me Out," which Roomie really really wanted to see, because of the shower scene ;-) So about "Wicked," everyone I talked to said they loved the show, and I wanted to see it since long ago. I didn't know that this weekend was the last weekend in SF, and Roomie talked about wanting to see since the show opened, but we always got busy with other things. We knew that the show's SF run was sold out, so he planned to do the lottery.
Well today he got lucky because he got called as the #8 winner for tickets. His excitement didn't rub off on me initially because I ran errands all day and when he phoned me, I still gathered materials for my design project at Pearl Art Store. I didn't have a chance to change out of my jeans and puma t-shirt because the lottery draw took place at 6pm. Plus Roomie wanted dinner; we ate at Ananda Fuara.
The show was absolutely fantastic, with an amazing cast, a great story, wonderful songs, hot cuties in the ensemble, and sparked an interest to watch "The Wizard of Oz" again, to tie the two stories. I also got to see one of my classmates, Erin, who works as an usher at the Orpheum do her thang. So seeing her there added a little something extra to the experience. Oh yeah, Steve Young also watched the show. We passed by him when we went to the restroom. I thought he'd get a lot more attention, but nobody approached him. He seemed like he waited for someone to come out of the women's room. When we passed by him afterwards, a blondie girl chatted him up. A young theatre fan sitting behind me didn't hide his enthusiasm for the show by woo-ing after every song. The constant woo-ing got super annoying because he was sooo loud when he did it and I sat in the direct line of "fire." I wanted to slap the shit out of him.

I'm such a celebrity whore; I dragged Roomie out to the stage door to see and wait for the cast to leave and maybe get some picutres with them. I didn't take my camera with me to the show, but luckily I found parking only a block away, so that I went to fetch the camera from the trunk of my car and even drove around to find parking closer to the theatre, just in time to take a few shots with Derrick Williams, who played Fiyero, and Eden Espinosa, Elphaba in the show. Bravo! Bravo!

I love Wicked!!! I saw it when it came Pre-Broadway with Edina Mezel.
...and Kristin Chenoweth, right? and speaking of Edina, Roomie kept referring to Wicked as the Rent of the new millenium...because of the whole feminism under/overtones...I guess.
ooh neat!!
Hello, I was coming by to thank you for leaving a comment on my blog. I LOVVVVVE "Wicked" too! Yummy@Derrick Williams...damn, I just said yummy in reference to someone, I'm so wack. Lol Anyway, thanx for stopping by!!
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