oh zoie
In hindsight, I really enjoyed my weekend, albeit I didn't accomplish everything I thought I should. Everytime I get out of my apartment in Daly City becomes a monumental event, I mean except for work. Went to the AC (yes, American Canyon, "The Gateway to the Napa Valley") on Sunday, and saw family, after a few weeks of not visiting them.
Last week, my sister's (Drug) husband's (Djym) boss let them "try out" a dog because I think the boss wanted to give Zoie (the dog's name) away. So Drug sent Zoie's picture to my phone, and I got intrigued right away, especially after I called her back and asked her what the deal was with the dog picture. After she described Zoie and how obedient she was, I felt so excited to meet her. I even told Roomie all about it. I showed my friends her picture throughout the week and said that I couldn't wait to play with her.

So then I go to my their house and ate some left over dessert from Djym's birthday bash the day before, and I also hung out with the kids, blase blase. When I dragged Drug along with me to Costco, that's when I realized and asked her where's Zoie??? Drug then said that they gave Zoie back because 1) Djym's allergies acted up, and 2) the owner's wife and daughter cried because they miss Zoie. Drug also said all three kids cried their eyes out after hearing the news that Zoie would not stay with them after all. Even Lianju's teacher said that he cried in class the next day because he got so distraught, poor kid. Yeah, this dog causes lots of tears shed.
Well I miss this dog even though I never met her, but Drug said perhaps one day they'll dogsit and she'll call me up so I can meet Zoie then.

Ever think about fostering a dog? A bunch of Gulf Coast dogs were sent to SF recently. It's only short-term and you can decide from there if you ever want one.
hey that's a good idea, i'll pass it on to my sis and roomie too. I myself can't take care of one right now unfortunately.
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