Sunday, April 16, 2006

not too happy berfday

With chicken pox sidelining me, I couldn't celebrate my birthday. Roomie did take me to go see Mathew Bourne's "Swan Lake" last night, but I really didn't enjoy the show that much. However, after the show, we stopped by Tower Records and probably chilly night air didn't bode well for my already compromised health system.

So then today, I planned to spend time with family in the AC, and they even ordered food and such. But I had to cancel all that because I freaked out that I may get someone else sick with the pox, so I didn't want to risk it. I felt too weak to make the drive up anyway, so with that disappointment, and the disappointment in my mom's voice, I spent the whole darn day all alone cooped up in my studio apartment.

happy birthday!


At 5/17/2006 9:44 PM, Blogger laragitara said...

oh my gosh!
Belated Happy Birthday!!



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