Sunday, April 09, 2006

it's funny

Now that I'm not working anymore, I hardly have time to read blogs. I haven't read other people's blogs in like a month, now hardly have time to update my own. Part of the reason for not updating is because as a full-time student, not much really happens but study and go to class, in my case at least. I don't party like those young'uns do.

While I worked at my last job, there was always some down time I can devote to reading blogs, which was latest passion, er hobby, rather, since I discovered blogging last summer. Now I feel overwhelmed just by the thought of going back to the archives of my favorite blogs and reading a ton. I guess my motto for this is "little by little," or "day by day."


At 4/12/2006 8:33 PM, Blogger Christina said...

Hey, welcome back! Will you be going to school during summer too? You probably don't want to put it off til then but that'd be a great time to catch-up and blog hella! And summer's just around the corner :) Now if it would only stop raining...

At 4/12/2006 11:05 PM, Blogger It's just me said...

I'm planning to work in the summer. I'm anticipating a severe fall school schedule, so I wanna rest up for that.


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