Well really early this morning, I went to bed at 3:30am because I watched the special features of "March of the Penguins." The night before was another one of those where I take a supposed 90 minute nap at 7pm only to wake up at 8am the next morning, so I felt ok to sleep so late. I couldn't sleep, and finally, about an hour later when I did fall asleep, my cell phone rings and after fumbling with it and picking it up from the floor, it's Roomie on the other end informing me that their flight from London changed and they'll arrive a few hours earlier. Ok, great, thanks for the info. Then I couldn't fall back to sleep, but then woke up at 11am.

Watching each disc is very dangerous because I'm glued to the tv. I mean I missed an appointment the first time I watched because I couldn't dare look away in the middle of it, and today, I almost missed picking up Roomie from the airport! Apparently, telenovelas are like soap operas that run for only a few months, and what they did to compile the DVD set is edited a whole bunch so that some of the details might be missing, according to Pastris. Characters appear out of nowhere that already are part of the storyline, but their purpose comes to light later on. There's so much drama in these people's lives, it's amazing. You laugh, you cry, you love, you hate...Rubi takes you everywhere!
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