bitch! bastard! pills! hamburger pills!

The movie was one of the rewards to myself for finally finishing the worst semester ever. I really almost gave up at the last minute. I didn't think I could make it to class with an unfinished project: branding identity with packaging for a cd containing a digital representation of our portfolio. I thought to myself to just fuck it, but then I thought about how much lower my grade would go down if I missed to be me. I chose to sleep, well I really couldn't think anymore the previous night, too tired. I toughed it out though, finishing as much as I could right when class started. My presentation went out like a thud, but I don't think I cared too much about it anymore.
I drove Tonny home, since we brought home our posters, and Tonny's still on crutches, so I got my good samaritan brownie points for the day.
The other rewards I gave myself tonight:
1. Dinner from Ono's Hawaiian BBQ: Loco Moco and Spam Musubi - YUMMERS!
2. Watched "Team America World Police." That movie was disappointing. I only laughed a couple of times. Other people hyped it up too much. I watched that before watching "Two For The Road."
3. Didn't go on the computer all night, except to post this blog.
Back to "Two For The Road," I first saw the movie back in 1996 because my Audrey Obsessed friend Samray told me to watch it. He introduced me to the music from the film, so I figured I should see the source of the fine Henry Mancini music. I gave a copy of the DVD to my sis in AZ when she visited for Thanksgiving. I should ask if she's watched it yet. I didn't enjoy the film when I originally saw it; I just didn't get it.
Now that my relationship is almost nine years old, I can totally relate to the characters' 12-year old journeys together. I now appreciate the movie and the dynamics of it. Albert Finney and Audrey Hepburn give superb performances. My cheeks hurt a little bit because I think I had a smile for most of the 110 minutes watching. What a fantastic way to end the semester!
Doing something is definitely preferable to not showing up.
Team America seemed like it could have been funnier, especially after the South Park movie. Loved the sex scene, tho.
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