Friday, September 30, 2005

the chair

It turns out the glorious chair from World Market isn't so glorious after all. I finally debuted it tonight, while eating dinner (had the traditional 29th of the month gnocchi), just to break it in, and yeah, my ass and my back weren't so happy even after just a few minutes sitting on it.

The back rest cuts my back a weird way, so I feel its intrustion even after getting up. The seat's slits feel uncomfortable, and unsecure. It's just one of those chairs that you can't sit on for a long time, or if you do, you'd need to constantly change positions to find one where some part of your body won't hurt. I guess that's what you get for $16.99.

So much for that; I'll return it this weekend and continue to search for another chair.


At 10/02/2005 2:49 PM, Blogger Lena said...

It's such a pretty chair. Maybe a seat cushion would make it more sittable?? Lol@the traditional 29th of the month gnocci!

At 10/02/2005 5:26 PM, Blogger It's just me said...

yeah, i thought about the cushion solution, perhaps, perhaps.


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