Wednesday, August 17, 2005

tuesday, wait, wednesday night recap

For some reason, I kept thinking today is Tuesday. Anyway, I'm in a race against time as it's 10 minutes past my desired bedtime of 11:30pm, but I feel like I should do this blog.
I wound up driving my officemate Tad to the BART station because he gathered up all his belongings to take home with him. Why he didn't take stuff home little by little the last few days of his time at the office, we both didn't know why. Anyway, I got to send him off with a special favor, so that felt good. Poor guy would have had to catch a Muni bus to Daly City Bart, Bart to Richmond, and Amtrak to Sacramento, which is a 1 1/2 hour ride people! We eliminated the Muni trek, because he carried four bags of his stuff, and some of them weighed a lot. I gave him his parting gift of SFSU souvenirs right before we left.
I went back to work and thank goodness got some sleep...if my boss might somehow read this, the "nap" only took five minutes of my time. I get two breaks during the day anyway, so that's part of my break. The nap saved my running plans because Bancy convinced me to not run since I complained most of the afternoon that I crashed, my energy went down some drain somewhere. I did still feel tired when we walked out the door, but a hot minute later, when I saw all those people running along the Lake Merced path, I drove back to the office to change to my running clothes. It wasn't guilt or anything like that, maybe courage to just "Do It?" The 1.5 mile run went ok, albeit I felt some slight pain on the ball of my left foot, reminiscent of one of the injuries I endured when I trained for the marathon a few years back.
Didn't get to read tonight, but did talk to Andalu on the phone for about an hour. That guy can chat you up, good thing he's got interesting things to say. And then my classmate IQRunner IM'ed me, so catching up with folks, part of this week's game's a good thing.


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