The cats who "adopted" us here in the Elk Grove house belong to the next door neighbors. The cats hung out at the front door ever since Roomie moved in. We started feeding them early this year or very late last year. We never had a conversation with the owners, until I finally caught the wife of next door.
Roomie and I guessed that the cats were both female, and named each one. "Pussy" is the gray one, and "Checkers" is the black and white one. Turns out they're both male, and brothers! The woman who owns them also said that "Pussy" is actually named "Burlios" and "Checkers" is "Toulouse," both characters from the Disney flick "Aristocats."
Earlier this month, Burlios started to limp pretty badly. I left a note on the neighbor's door, but she never got back to us. She did mention that Burlios is pretty aggressive; he attacks their dog, and goes after other neighborhood dogs when he sees them. So I've been worried sick about his health. I really want to take him to the vet and get checked out. Though it doesn't seem like he's in much pain, he just has a bad limp, and goes around his daily routine, albeit a little more slower than usual.
I kept thinking that some asshole most likely kicked him just because, that's how assholes usually are. Another possibility went through my head, like he had a bad landing, but I was pretty sure someone fucked with him.
Then earlier this evening, I witnessed what may also happened. I saw another cat come around the corner of the street and Toulouse sprinted for it. I heard cat screams and afterward they both just stared at each other, duel-style, ready for attack. Burlios went closer to the other two cats as if having his brother's back. The stranger cat saw me walking closer and made a run for it, but Toulouse ran after it and fought just for a little bit and then did the stare thing again.
So perhaps Burlios got hurt that way? If so, my mind can rest at ease and not think so unkindly toward possible unknown assholes who kick cats. ;))
Go Pussie Power!